2019 University of Minnesota Regents Selection Results

Minnesota Report The results of the University of Minnesota Regents selection was announced by voice vote, but no documentation was available from the floor yesterday. As we now know, Mike Kenyanya was selected as the Student Regent, Jaynie Mayeron 5th Congressional...

University Regents Selection Under a Colored Prism

Minnesota Report Today, at noon, both houses of the legislature will meet in joint session for selection of four the University of Minnesota Regents. The positions are the Student Regent, 5th Congressional District Regent, and two At-Large Regents. Since the positions...

Tonight, the Future Regents May Become Known

Minnesota Report This evening there is a joint DFL caucus with the House and Senate and the topic of discussion is the selection of the four University of Minnesota Regents. The current seats are for the Student Regent, the 5th Congressional District seat and the two...