
Subscribe to Checks & Balances

Checks & Balances is experiencing some dramatic changes. We are creating a more robust site for your viewing pleasure.

      • Registered Users will continue to have access to the current content on Checks & Balances and will have full access to all stories.
      • We are creating a more rigorous relationship with our archives and building opportunities for individuals in the political community to become far less faceless.
      • Regularly Checks & Balances has outpaced traditional media resources and with the emergence of this medium, we can continue to surpass.
      • We intend to retain the title of the One-Stop Shop for Online Politics. We seek to have postings of organizational events and press releases. We seek to embrace the political community, but in order to do so, we need people to expand their relationship from Regular Users to paid General or Premium Subscribers.


Price of a General Subscription is $59.99

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Price of a Premium Subscription is $99.99

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