Are the RCV Bills Stalled?

As the first deadline of March 22nd rapidly approaches we are still awaiting any action on the two anti-Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) bills HF3690 and SF3325 neither has had a hearing scheduled, but there is still time. Also, if they fail to make deadline there are other...

Murphy Has a Fallback Position

This weekend DFL Senate District 64 holds it convention. An item not on the agenda is an endorsement in the 64A House seat currently held by Rep Erin Murphy (DFL-64A, St Paul). We asked Senate District Chair Elizabeth Werfel if they were holding the seat open for...

Checks & Balances on the Radio

Listen to the Sue Jeffers show on 1130 AM Saturday at 4:00 pm and hear Checks & Balances Publisher Shawn Towle discuss a wide range of political topics with the host. One of the issues we expect will be covered is Ranked Choice Voting…. This content is for...

The Different Faces of RCV

This week has become an interesting one in the history of Ranked Choice Voting in Minnesota. For those of you unfamiliar or who have not experienced an election under this process, it is one where each voter is able to cast a series of votes for more than one...

Is There a Path for Pawlenty?

In our article The Two Realities of Tim Pawlenty, we highlighted former Governor Tim Pawlenty’s (R-MN) perpetual deficits and how this could affect him if he were a general election candidate. Now the question is can he get to the ballot in November? As the...

Divining the Truth in the DFL Endorsement Process

On Wednesday, former Minneapolis City Council member and union organizer Jim Niland (DFL) now Rebecca Otto campaigner made a bold statement, which no one except maybe he, himself even believes. He posted to a Facebook group of DFL Activists claiming the following:...

Defining the Alignments in the DFL Governor’s Race

Our analysis of the DFL Governor’s race to date has Congressman Tim Walz (D-MN01) as the front-runner, which means he has the target of all of the other campaigns squarely on his back. He represents every other candidate’s worst-case scenario. As the leader of the...

Liebling Suspends Campaign for Governor

This just released and we are not surprised. TINA LIEBLING SUSPENDS CAMPAIGN FOR GOVERNOR Rep. Tina Liebling has released the following statement: “I launched my campaign for governor last year because I believe Minnesotans are looking for bold leadership that...

The Donnybrook at 62A

The DFL Senate District 62 Convention started normally, albeit an hour and a half late. There were a number of problems with delegate credentialing in the beginning and this was important because open seats existed on both the A & B sides due to the retirements of...