Tunheim Santrizos

In the public relations field, there are few firms that delve into matters of public policy. The two that most often come to mind are Himle Horner and Goff Howard. It appears that there will now be a third player in the game Tunheim Santrizos. The program for the...

Differences of Opinion

Attendees at the Fitzgerald Theater and listeners of Minnesota Public Radio were able to hear the varied opinions of the leaders of three parts of the lawmaking side of Minnesota government. MPR presented the Fitzgerald Forum entitled “New Government. New...

Uniting Reformers

Taking a risk is rarely a politick maneuver. Changing parties is usually seen with a sense of dishonor. Jack Uldrich has done both. The Reform Party opponent to Congressman Martin Sabo is now joining forces with Dean Barkley Commissioner of the Minnesota Planning...

Outreach by Each Caucus

The DFL House and Senate Caucuses are using the power of the Internet to gain a better insight into the concerns of Minnesotans’. The two Democratic caucuses joined forces through the use of the Senate web page to what they are calling the DFL Internet Forum. The...

Diversity Index

During the Mondale announcement, the Governor and the Capitol press corps experienced another uncomfortable moment. At the end of the event, Governor Jesse Ventura (IP-MN) and the Capitol press corps traded barbs over the issue of diversity. The issue stemmed from a...

Finally, the Legal Ledger is Truly Online

The St. Paul Legal Ledger is seeking to become a valued asset to the Capitol Hill crowd in St. Paul. This may now be possible with the incorporation of a real online presence. Readers of the Ledger might have noticed the tired ad that ran all too frequently stating...

Tripartisan Government

If you use the word “tripartisan” you made receive a quizzical look. It surely isn’t located in your spell checker. But it is now the rule of the land in Minnesota. Many words are being used to describe it historic, monumental, and gridlock come to...

It’s Official Mondale to Head Metropolitan Council

Yesterday, Governor Jesse Ventura (IP-MN) held a press conference to announce the appointment of Ted Mondale to head the Metropolitan Council. Regular readers of Checks & Balances will recognize that we were right on the money on this one. We first predicted...

The DFL Budget Response

This just out the DFL House Minority Leader Tom Pugh (DFL-39A, South St. Paul) will be available to meet reporters and comment on Gov. Jesse Ventura’s budget proposals at 1 p.m. today (Thursday, Jan. 28) in Room 272 of the State Office Building…. This...

Here Come the Numbers

By law, Governor Jesse Ventura (IP-MN)  is required to present his budget by February 16th. Looks like his crack budget team is ahead of the game at the start. The numbers are set for release and this will provide the broad framework that state government will pursue...