Political Paraphernalia

The latest political campaign button to be seen was worn by Ted Grindal and Joan Anderson Growe at the Andrew event. They were sporting the latest ad”Vance” of this political fashion season. These are not in mass production yet but are expected to be...

The Andrew Soiree

There are more reasons in politics to have a party than in any other profession. First, you have a series of fundraisers, a primary party, an election night party, then a reelection party, and then a retirement party. The place to be for politicos on Tuesday night was...

The Hennepin County Commissioner Contest

The contest for Hennepin County District 3 looks to be a three-person race going into the primary. The three candidates Checks & Balances feels are the real contenders are former TCF executive Peter Bell, St. Louis Park Mayor Gail Dorfman, and Minneapolis School...

Meet the Legislative Tag Team

The Minnesota Government Relations Council held a program last Thursday at the Sheraton Plaza (Midway). The event was intended to introduce the Governor Jesse Ventura’s (IP-MN) Government Relations Team to the lobbying community. The Director of Government...

Ventura’s Disdain for Carpetbagging

The National Governor’s Association conference in Washington D.C. became a platform for Governor Jesse Ventura (RP-MN) to weigh in on national political matters. Viewers of the Sunday morning program Meet the Press were privileged to hear comments from three of...

Tight On Message

Bill Hillsman commented on MPR after the election that is was easy to work with Governor Jesse Ventura (IP-MN) because he was a professional and came into the studio to get the spot done. In the matter of a few takes the Ventura had the material for his commercials...

Beat the Press

Upon his return to the Land of 10,000 Lakes, Governor Jesse Ventura (IP-MN) expressed his disenchantment with the Twin Cities media. By now, most of all Minnesotan’s now know the “Gov” disparaged city street planners for their design of St. Paul....

The Pro’s and Con’s of Technology

The wrap up of the DFL Senate Majority Caucus’ Internet Forum resulted in over 280 messages during the week the forums were open. Participants had the opportunity to post their opinions or ask questions about three major Legislative topics: the budget and...


The role of the Internet in politics is the focus of a forthcoming book tentatively named democracy.com Governance in a Networked World. An article by Professor Elaine Kamarck is entitled, “Campaigning on the Internet in the Off-Year Elections of 1998” and...

With Spring Comes Change

The DFL Party will be holding a business meeting in April to address the need for party reform and install new party leadership. Current Chair Dick Senese has stated that he will not seek a second term of office. The field is not all that illustrious and more...