Bad Style Points

Just because Governor Jesse Ventura (RP-MN) was elected by 37% margin doesn’t mean that the citizen’s of Minnesota automatically endorse every thought he has. His comments following the shootings in Columbine, Colorado strike one as insensitive and in poor...

Double Trouble

They say that children keep you young if that is true look for lobbyist John Apitz to appear younger by the day. Twin boys, Zachary John and Nicholas Fredrick have blessed Mr. Apitz and his wife Mary Magnuson (former Goddess of Gambling)…. This content is for...

Reading Tea Leaves

Last week, accuracy dictated they we correct an error of stating the closure of the Republican House Caucus meetings. It appears that we were a little quick on the trigger, the decision to close the meeting to the public, and especially the press, didn’t occur...

Fortunes of Hemp

Marijuana has long been considered a gateway drug to other more potent illegal substances. The support for industrial hemp is dwindling in the ranks of the House Republicans. It appears that “denatured” marijuana (hemp), which doesn’t get you high it...

Pushing for Pork

A recent tipster on our TipNet sent us information on a plea for increases in the use of pork on a captive audience. The unnamed person stated that they felt the Minnesota Department of Corrections should follow the lead of Wisconsin in addressing the pork crisis by...

Life in the Ventura Era

Publisher Shawn Towle penned a piece for a national online publication Intellectual on our distinguished Governor Jesse Ventura (RP-MN). This is one that readers of this publication will find to be much easier to read. There are fewer typos…. This...

Tom, Dick and Ken

The mass exodus at the DFL Party headquarters is in high gear. Tom Kelly Communications Director of the DFL Party retained his commitment to the cause and remained after the 1998 election. On May 3rd, he will leave the political limelight for the non-profit sector. He...

Rising Star

Much of the credit for the Republican victories in the last two special elections should fall to Republican Senate Campaign Committee Executive Director Brian McClung. McClung along with a strike force of Young Republicans are providing the type of support necessary...

New Metropolitan Council

The new faces on the Metropolitan Council are quite dissimilar to those in the past. The criticisms of the lack of minorities in Governor’s appointment of his Cabinet may have impacted the selection of council members. For those with concerns about racial and...

Election Activities in District 32

If you’re a purist you believe that Common Cause stands up for clean campaign practices and good government. If you’re a Republican partisan you probably see Common Cause as a DFL front. If you’re Sen. John Marty (DFL-54, Roseville) you see it as an ally....