Negotiating with a Grandmother

Rep Alice Seagren (R-41A, Bloomington, had a negotiating advantage over her counterpart Sen. Larry “Poggie” Pogemiller (DFL-59, Minneapolis) she was a mother and a grandmother. many have used the term “saint” when describing Seagren. She was...

Blind Faith Voting

The big catchall bill this legislative session was the Deficiency Bill. The last item passed in the 1999 House was one few legislators knew what was all inside. The rapid pace of the final hours called upon legislators to maximize their use of technology and read...

Cloutless, Arne Carlson

Former Governor Arne Carlson is said to have been burning up the phone lines in the early morning hours the last day of the session. He put in calls to everyone from his state Representative, Ray Vandeveer (R-51B, Forest Lake) to House Majority Leader Tim...

This Session Goes to the Dogs

The lighthearted credit given to Governor’s bulldog, Franklin for helping solve the budget impasse is not the only faithful companion who played a role this legislative session. We would be remiss if we forgot about the tragic demise of Rep. Tom Rukavina’s...

Defining Actions

Many people have criticized the Governor’s approach to dealing with the legislature. They considered he and his office to be fairly nonexistent throughout much of the session. Many of his proposals were broad philosophic positions, which were short on specifics....

Last Words on the Session

The legislative session went right up to the midnight deadline. Outside of the Capitol nighthawks were putting on an aerial display swooping and diving for insects in the bright lights shining on the Georgia marble of our state house. The last-minute posturing was...

Hot Rumor or Too Much Idle Time?

The hurry up and wait game that is played in the halls of the Capitol creates opportunities for mischief. While cooling their heels in the various committee rooms lobbyists and interested parties swap tales. The last item burning up the marble is speculation of...

Leadership from Lillehaug

U. S. Senate candidate David Lillehaug brings back boyhood memories of the radio series Chicken Man and it’s theme slogan “He’s everywhere, he’s everywhere.” Lillehaug will need some new shoe leather this election season since it seems...

Incremental Election Adjustments

Yesterday, the state Senate passed legislation affecting our electoral system. The majority of the proposed changes stem from the Growe Commission Report. Sen. Carol Flynn (DFL-62, Minneapolis) is the Senate sponsor and Rep Ron Abrams (R-45A, Minnetonka) is the House...

Holding the Gavel

There have been a number of theatrics in the various Conference Committees. On Wednesday, Rep. Mark Holsten (R-56A, Stillwater) and company were not even taken seriously by the audience when they came into the committee room and said that the Senate was negotiating in...