Trouble in the Ranks

Gary Fish a former Marine has called on Colonel John Kline to cease his bid for Congressional office due to a conflict of interest. He sent the following e-mail message. We found it to be a curious item. John, I wish that you would drop your candidacy for the 6th...

The Ticking Clock

The clock continues to move and the days are getting shorter as the legislature continues to move forward. The drop-dead date of May 22 isn’t beginning to loom closer quite yet, but the fact that any meeting of one legislative body causes a reduction of the number of...

The Effects of the Abortion Veto

We could spend time telling you about the accuracy of our prediction that Governor Jesse Ventura would veto the “Women’s Right to Know” legislation, but we won’t because it would seem like bragging. The secrecy surrounding the Friday, 4:30 pm announcement...

Text of Governor Jesse Ventura’s Comments

This is to my staff. It’s been a remarkable few days. You have all worked very hard and for the past week have been under constant stress. For your hard work and your tremendous loyalty to this office, the people of Minnesota and to me, I want to thank you. From...

Reader Response

Political pundits, campaigners and elected officials make up a large portion of our readership. Frequently, the people who are involved in the political process are the fastest to respond to the issues that you will find here in Checks & Balances. This week  a...

Progressive Perspectives

Wayne Cox Executive Director of the Citizen’s for Tax Justice sent us a piece of interesting information in his analysis of the Republican Tax Bill. We placed it in our External Opinions section so that you will be able to see what he said…. This content is for...

Running the Clock Out

There are two deadlines fast approaching that the legislature cannot exceed. One is 120 legislative days and the other is the May 22 final legislative day. As of Thursday, there are 11 legislative days left of the biennial session 1999-2000. The activity surrounding...

Bush Rah Rah Event

8In politics as in religion, it is generally the converts who are more dedicated to the cause than regular members. That is the situation for Ryan Kaess. Kaess holds a unique distinction of which he tells us frequently. He is one of the few if not the only person in...