Filling the Coffers

The EMILY’s List slogan is Early Money Is Like Yeast, with the addendum: It makes the dough rise. Well, if that is the case with their most recent endorsement, 4th Congressional District Candidate Rep Betty McCollum (DFL-55B, North St Paul) should be able to...

Session Held Hostage

The close of the legislative session occurred with little ceremony, but plenty of acrimonies. The reason being the negotiations over the Profiles of Learning. The impetus for the late session closure was the lack of a clear compromise on the issue. The legislature was...

A Thief in the Night

There is a political joke which goes something like this: What is the difference between a Liberal and a Conservative? A Conservative is a Liberal who has been robbed. Well, now we will see if the politics of DFL Party Chairman Mike Erlandson change. On Saturday...

Forthcoming Events

The University of Minnesota Alumni Association will be hosting James Carville and Mary Matalin, political consultants, commentators, and a married couple on opposite ends of the political spectrum at the University of Minnesota Alumni Association Annual Celebration....

Additional Endorsements in the 4th Congressional District

The endorsement fight for the DFL 4th Congressional District may have been the smoothest ever seen in a multi-candidate field, but that doesn’t mean it is time to rest on one’s laurels. By all indications, that is far from endorsee Rep Betty McCollum’s (DFL-55B,...

Attractive House Challenger

Rep Marty Siefert (R-21A, Marshall) may be finding himself in competition with his former boss in the fall election. Southwest State University President Doug Sweetland is mulling over the idea of his own candidacy for the state legislature after his retirement from...

Proactive Journalism

It was fairly surprising when Senate Majority Leader Roger Moe (DFL-02, Erskine) proposed the 1/3-1/3-1/3 spending idea.  Credit or blame for the unique approach may have been the inadvertent result of a line of questioning proposed by WCCO reporter Eric Eskola. Prior...

New Lobby Firm

On May 22nd, Brian Rice, Jim Michels, Sen Dave Johnson (DFL-40, Richfield), Ann Walther, and William Morris Jr will be leaving Best & Flannigan LLP to start their own firm called Rice, Michels & Johnson LLP. The new firm will focus on pension and labor law,...

The Teatotalers Ball

In 1998, the end of session party was marred by the actions of a single Senate page and her inability to combine psychotropic drugs and alcohol. The result was her being forcibly removed from the Capitol building and WCCO Television running a sweeps week story on the...

Conservative Sucker Punch Sequel

Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. People who self-identify as “fiscal conservatives” are not very pleased with the results of this legislative session. The “wronged” ones range from Rep Phil Krinkie (R–53A, Shoreview) to...