Cast Your Own Vote

The St Paul Chamber of Commerce website has a new feature it is an online ballot for the 4th Congressional District race. People can log on and state their preference. The Chamber is also sponsoring a debate between the various DFL candidates for Congress at their...

Filling the Vacancy

The Commissioner of Commerce remains unfilled by Governor Jesse Ventura (IP-MN) since the departure of Dave Jennings. The state Senate dealt with his proposed replacement and rejected the appointment of Steve Minn during the earlier part of the legislative session....

Constitutional Officers in Action

Both Governor Jesse Ventura (IP-MN) and Attorney General Mike Hatch (DFL-MN) have said publicly that they will take a personal interest in the legislative races in this fall’s elections. Ventura is targeting both DFLers and Republicans who fail to support his...

Novak Announcement with Another to Follow

Steve Novak (DFL-52, New Brighton) stopped by the Capitol Press Corps today personally to drop off a press release informing the reporters that he will not be a candidate for re-election in the fall.  He said that he would announce his decision on a bid for Congress...

Past Connections, Future Rewards

In 1988, during his tenure as Chief of Staff for Congressman Bruce Vento (D-MN), John Boland supported Congressman Richard Gephardt (D-MO03) in his bid for the Presidency. He was the Minnesota Chair of the Gephardt for President Campaign. That connection may prove...

Preliminary Polling Numbers

Checks & Balances is calling delegates to the DFL State Convention and querying them on their choices in the U.S. Senate endorsement race. Our early indications show Sen Jerry Janezich (DFL-05, Chisholm) in the lead for the first choice followed by former US...

What the Session Hath Wrought

The session spin began in earnest as early as the Senate’s adjournment sine die in the wee hours of Wednesday morning, May 17th. On the legislative session, Senate Majority Leader Roger Moe (DFL-02, Erskine) said, ”Take a look at what we gained vs. what the...

Good Old Fashion Celebration

The DFL community is being invited to a pre-convention party. Congressman Martin Sabo (D-MN05), Hemingway Forum and the Minnesotan’s for a Democratic Majority are hosting the party. The event will feature a Mariachi band and a traditional DFL good time. The fun is...

Session Surprises

The end of many legislative sessions is marked by surprise retirement announcements and this session isn’t unique. Rep Peg Larsen (R-56B, Lakeland) stood up on the legislative floor and informed her colleagues that she will not be returning in 2001. There had been...

Lack of Domestic Support

Sen Steve Novak (DFL-52, New Brighton) is in a position where the people that know him the best have decided they would like him to stay just where he is. The Central Committee of SD52 met on Wednesday night and unanimously passed a resolution encouraging the Senator...