A Legislative View From Central Minnesota

Either Joan Spiczka has too much time on her hands or a political bug like many of us, has bitten her. Joan has her own website where she tracks legislation called http://www.legislativewatchdog.org.  Here you can get her take on items discussed at the legislature....

Republicans to be Watchful of MFU President

We are hearing interesting comments from members of the Republican House Caucus directed at newly elected Minnesota Farmer’s Union President former state Rep Doug Peterson (DFL-13B, Madison). Concerns of Peterson building a Farmers’ revolt and stir up trouble...

Wasting Time in the DFL Party

Here is an example of what we mean. Last month the DFL Executive Committee met for the first time after the election and passed a legislative agenda.  The document was all over the map with items focused on protecting this program or that program and called on...

DFL Associate Chair Contest

The DFL Central Committee is meeting over the weekend in Plymouth to select a new Associate Chair.  The position has remained vacant since the death of Mary McEvoy.  There are three candidates for the position Tarryl Clark, Beth Lareau, and Eileen Weber. It is hard to...

Realities in the Republican House Caucus

The results of the November election have brought a new crop of legislators to St. Paul who will not be shy about advancing their agenda.  Many elected who support overturning all abortion legislation and are strong gun advocates.  There are few moderates in this new...

New Key House Staff

With Tom Hanson being tapped as Deputy Chief of Staff and Director of Legislative and Cabinet Affairs by Governor Tim Pawlenty (R-MN), the House needed a new strategist and they selected Jason Rohloff to be the Legislative Director.  Rohloff is a capable...

Kennedy Takes a Pass

Congressman Mark Kennedy (R-MN02) has his eyes on the prize.  Word out of Washington D.C. as we understand it, Kennedy passed on the Commerce Committee and accepted a seat on the Financial Services Committee.  This is a no-brainer the Commerce Committee is a much...

Two New Cabinet Members

Governor Tim Pawlenty has resurrected another forgotten Republican name in his appointments to positions in his administration.  Last week it was Grunseth and this week it is Ludeman.  Pawlenty chose former State Senator Cal Ludeman (R-MN), who lost handily to...

Nationally, Republicans Are Not Helping Out

President George W. Bush’s economic stimulus package is not good news for the Pawlenty Administration, since the reduction in dividend taxes.  Understanding general investment strategy we know when the incentives for investment in the stock market increase, bonds...

Developing More Respect

During the press conference members of the press corps were quick to comment on the day and night differences between Tim Pawlenty knowledge of the issues and that of Jesse Ventura.  It is clear this Governor is on the ball.  While Ventura would present the overall...