An Obvious Endgame

As we are watching the legislative session move into its final stages the finish is becoming readily apparent. Governor Tim Pawlenty (R-MN) and the DFL controlled legislature seem to have agreed where the budget cuts are set to occur—in Health and Human Services—and...

Are There Leadership Woes for Seifert?

Republican Party operatives are wondering out loud as to the state of the Republican Party this election due to endorsements of legislative candidates at various local party unit conventions. In three separate instances, delegates endorsed candidates not recommended...

A Useful History Lesson

We have marked the lack of civility at the legislature, especially in the House on a number of occasions. We attribute much of the acrimony to three issues:  1) Selection of Rep. Steve Sviggum (R-28B, Kenyon) as House Minority Leader in 1993. 2) The Contract with...

Speed is of the Essence

Last week, we discussed the goal of the Senate to have its work completed by the end of the day Monday. On Wednesday, Senate Majority Leader Larry Pogemiller (DFL-59, Minneapolis) informed his colleagues of his intent to pass all Omnibus Finance Bills off of the...

Return of Bread-baker Mary?

Former Secretary of State Mary Kiffmeyer (R-MN) was lightning rod during her time in office. She played the perfect role for the Republican Party as chief elections officer by employing any mechanism which made voting harder and more complicated, rather than...

Some Wouldn’t Give Abeler a Wooden Nickel, But He’ll Give You One

Rep Jim Abeler (R-48B, Anoka) gained the greatest amount of attention this legislative session as one of the “Venerable Six” Republicans who voted to override Governor Tim Pawlenty’s (R-MN) on the transportation bill. Abeler, a Chiropractor by profession, supported...

We Do Not Expect a Tax Bill

As we enter into the last two weeks of the legislative session we are getting some indications of what to expect will and will not pass. Today, the House is voting on its tax bill and we doubt there will be an agreement between the House and Senate by the end of the...

The Main Question About Franken: What’s Next?

Many DFL party activists and elected officials, especially freshman House members, are speculating about potential, additional problems set to surface regarding the Al Franken (D) campaign. In his bid to unseat US Senator Norm Coleman (R-MN) the comedian turned...

Where Negotiations Stand 05/05/2008

The budget negotiations between Governor Tim Pawlenty (R-MN) and DFL legislative leaders: Speaker of the House Margaret Anderson Kelliher (DFL-60A, Minneapolis) and House Majority Leader Tony Sertich (DFL-05B, Chisholm), Senate Majority Leader Larry Pogemiller...

Legislative Session Start 2008

The first day of the second portion of the biennial 2007-08 legislative session is going to tackle some legislation quite quickly.  After today, there are 44 legislative session days. The legislative leadership is coming out of the box with attention focused on...