Restorative Justice a Possibility

Last week, a group of protesters, some with handkerchiefs covering their mouths marched up to the House Chamber chanting, “Restore the Vote.” Some sported T-Shirts for MADDADS a group formed against gang violence.  They were supported in their cause by TakeAction...

License Plate Readers and Body Cameras

Last week’s debate on the Senate Floor on SF 0086 was an interesting exercise. It drew significant attention because of the topics which included law enforcement use of license plate readers and body cameras. Sen. Ron Latz (DFL-46, St Louis Park) Chair, Judiciary and...

Taking Uber to the Capitol

Normally, one would think the subject in the title was a delivery vehicle, but it this case it is the entirety of the idea. It is not just a ride in a black SUV from a part-time driver participating in a new industry, and delivering a person to a specific location. No...

Freshman Rep Applebaum Takes One on the Chin

In boxing, the determining factor in a fighter’s career is figuring out if he can take a punch, meaning after taking a shot to the head if he can get up and clear his shake off the cobwebs and perform and this is the situation for freshman Rep Jon Applebaum...

Divide and Conquer; or So He Thinks

Earlier in the legislative session Sen. David Hann (R-48, Eden Prairie), a man not known for his intellectual prowess, proposed an idea for breaking up the Minneapolis School Board into six different pieces. To reinforce this idea Hann referenced Rep. Carlos Mariani’s...

Raft of Roll Call Votes in the House

Historically, votes on bills in legislative committees were mostly procedural. In the past, bills for inclusion in the Omnibus bills from the respective committees were not thought of as major points of contention, nor given much issue of note, but such is not the...

Is Garofalo Pro-Private Employee Unions?

Rep. Pat Garofalo (R-58B, Farmington) likely surprised some of his fellow Republicans when he put out the following press release, which attempts to capitalize on WI’s pending passage of Right-to-Work legislation. WI Governor Scott Walker (R) a likely candidate for...

Does the MN Republican Party Need a Cosigner with Deep Pockets?

The ability to borrow is always based on one’s ability to repay and when one buys something in advance of payment they are expected to make good on the obligation. It seems that the MN Republican Party is not credit worthy. It appears they bought on spec, but failed...

The Political Responses to the 2015 February Revenue Forecast

We attended press conference of Governor Mark Dayton (DFL), followed by one with the DFL leadership with Senate Deputy Leader Jeff Hayden (DFL-62, Minneapolis), Senate Finance Committee Chair Senator Dick Cohen (DFL-64, St Paul), House Minority Leader Paul Thissen...

2015 February Revenue Forecast and Debt Capacity

Today, Management and Budget Commissioner Myron Franz, State Economist Laura Kalambokidis University of Minnesota Professor of Applied Economics and Budget Director Margaret Kelly presented the November Revenue Forecast and fielded questions from the press corps. The...