Thao Affair May Be Poised for Resolution

St Paul City Council member Dai Thao’s (DFL-Ward 1) hit a deep trench Saturday of the second Ward Conventions when questions were raised by KMSP reporter Tom Lyden about where-or-not Thao is a transactional elected official, meaning it’s pay-to-play, and whether his...

The City DFL Rules Fight Headed for the Floor

When the St Paul City Council member Dai Thao’s (DFL-Ward 1) and the former City Council member Pat Harris’ (DFL-Ward 3) supporters on the St Paul City DFL Rules Committee colluded together to set the rules to prevent an endorsement, they may have over-played their...

Protest Scheduled for Humphrey Day Dinner

Tomorrow, prior to the Humphrey/Mondale Dinner a Governor’s Reception is scheduled for 3:30-4:30 PM at the Minneapolis Convention Center. We understand the faith-based organization ISAIAH is planning to protest the entire event including the dinner with keynote...

Estrangement in the Executive Branch

We also hear the Governor’s office is becoming more isolationist. Lt Governor Tina Flint Smith (DFL) now has something in common with former Lt Governor Yvonne Pretner-Solon (DFL), as we understand she is not being kept in the loop with the decisions Dayton makes....

No Need for 2nd Session This Biennium

We would not be surprised if Republicans come back to St Paul in 2018 and decide to head back home right away. Since, they got nearly everything they wanted in 2017, they could save taxpayers money and show how unnecessary a two-year biennial session can be. Because...

Former State Senator Seeking 1st Congressional Seat

Former Sen. Vicki Jensen (DFL-Owatonna) is preparing her bid to succeed current Congressman Tim Walz (DFL-01MN) and head to Washington DC. During her last election, she had the luxury of support from both the labor unions and the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce. We...

Governor Dayton Fails to Deliver

The frustration Governor Mark Dayton (DFL) expressed about the legislation he faced, the and exasperation he felt, is feckless, because he didn’t do anything to reflect his sentiments. The vetoing of legislative salaries is an ineffective and veritably useless...

Dayton’s Veto Gives Republicans Political Cover on Salary Increase

As the debate over legislative salaries continues, Governor Mark Dayton (DFL) in a futile attempt, to try and respond to the Republican budget, he may have provided political cover for Republican legislators by letting the courts force the issue. Constitutionally, the...

St Paul City DFL Rules Committee Creates Rules for No Endorsement

We attended last night’s meeting of the Rules Committee of the St Paul City DFL and can conclude the proposed rules are merely the result of collusion between the Dai Thao campaign and the Pat Harris campaign structured to forgo an endorsement at the city convention...

How Dayton Can Save the 2017-18 Session

Earlier in the legislative session, in an article entitled: Legislative X Factor: Dayton’s Stamina, we discussed Governor Mark Dayton’s (DFL) role akin to his time in college as a goalie, and said, “you can never win the game, but you can prevent your team from...