Does the MN Republican Party Need a Cosigner with Deep Pockets?

The ability to borrow is always based on one’s ability to repay and when one buys something in advance of payment they are expected to make good on the obligation. It seems that the MN Republican Party is not credit worthy. It appears they bought on spec, but failed...

The Political Responses to the 2015 February Revenue Forecast

We attended press conference of Governor Mark Dayton (DFL), followed by one with the DFL leadership with Senate Deputy Leader Jeff Hayden (DFL-62, Minneapolis), Senate Finance Committee Chair Senator Dick Cohen (DFL-64, St Paul), House Minority Leader Paul Thissen...

2015 February Revenue Forecast and Debt Capacity

Today, Management and Budget Commissioner Myron Franz, State Economist Laura Kalambokidis University of Minnesota Professor of Applied Economics and Budget Director Margaret Kelly presented the November Revenue Forecast and fielded questions from the press corps. The...