Taxpayer’s League v. Star Tribune

The Taxpayer’s League of Minnesota has filed a complaint with the Minnesota News Council against the Star Tribune.  The complaint calls attention to the paper’s support for both Light Rail Transit and a new Twins Baseball stadium. The Taxpayer’s League alleges that...

Foley Cometh?

There is a discussion, mostly amongst the Foley Clan, that former Ramsey County Attorney Tom Foley (DFL)  is being recruited heavily to enter the 4th Congressional District contest as an Independence Party candidate. Currently, he is in Washington D.C. serving on...

Prevention of Economic Loss

The salvo fired off by Attorney General Mike Hatch (DFL-MN) against the United Airlines and US Airways merger is a preemptive strike. The reason is this: if these two combine they will control nearly 50% of the plane flights in the nation. This will only force a rash...

Changing the Self-Sufficiency Standard?

It seems that there is actually a heart beating in the chest of the Governor Jesse Ventura  (IP-MN) with the tough guy image. When he came to office we heard slogans like “Love is bigger than government” and quips about the need for self-sufficiency. Maybe that was...

Beholden to Whom

It is admirable to see three candidates vie for higher office while not retaining a foot in another electoral office to do so. DFL Endorsed US Senate Jerry Janezich, 4th Congressional District Betty McCollum and Primary challenger Steve Novak have all taken the big...