Circling of the Vultures

A new political drama has begun. Scene one a married legislator is arrested for an alcohol-related driving incident. He is driving a vehicle owned by a single legislative campaign staff person Anna Youngerman, and because she is female and now the rumors commence....

If It Should All Blow Up

If the legislative session were to come to an impasse, there will be plenty of blame to pass around. The air will be filled with rhetoric and the political spin. The legislative leaders will return to their homes leaving the Governor alone in the State Capitol with...

Political Positioning

The negotiations between the state House and Senate are in a constant state of flux as the end of the session draws near. On Tuesday, the session seemed to be headed for a dive over the cliff, and the telegraphed punch that Speaker Steve Sviggum (R-28B, Kenyon) had...

2000 Humphrey Day Pictures

Congressman Bruce Vento Congressman Bruce Vento and  Checks & Balances Publisher Shawn Towle Secretary of Energy Bill Richardson, Congressmen Martin Olav Sabo and Julie Sabo Congressman Bruce Vento, Olin Moore, Checks & Balances Publisher Shawn Towle and DFL...

2000 Humphrey Day Dinner

The Humphrey Day Dinner was a smashing success in for the DFL on Saturday Night. Hats off for this event go to DFL staff and especially Ellen Stankiewicz. Numbers of attendees were over 800 and it was clear that many people were present when every time a person slid...