Truth Telling Time

Anyone around the legislature in 1997 knew the impact that the Twins Stadium issue had on all pieces of legislation. It was the insidious issue that kept popping up everywhere. In 1996, Sen John Marty (DFL-54, Roseville) kept legislator’s feet to the fire by making it...

Ominous Omnibus

On Monday, the House Republican Majority proposed a bill, which may prove to be the largest compilation bill in state history. Many were calling it a “Garbage Bill” and it included the following topics: Appropriations, Health Care, Complementary and...

Chairman Opperman

Vance Opperman has been named as the chairman of the search committee for a new Chancellor with the Minnesota and State College and University (MNSCU) system. The MNSCU Board of Trustees there is a discussion that folks in the MNSCU community are interested in finding...

Lest You Forget

We are having a party on March 30th. Checks & Balances is hosting an event we are calling the Session Stress Reliever at the Rathskeller of the Minnesota Brewing Company. The address is 882 West 7th Street in St. Paul. Our publication is in its fifth year of...

No Fooling

This week North Woods Advertising announced its own coup. They announced that John Fox Blackshaw is joining the firm as President, effective April 1, 2000. Blackshaw comes to North Woods after more than seven years at Tunheim Santrizos Company, where he was Senior...