Luther’s New Spokesperson

Congressman Bill Luther (D-MN06) has been feeling the heat frequently at the hands of groups who would like you to think their way. Luther has made a staffing decision that may help to buttress against such attacks in the future. He has hired a press secretary named...

Continuing of the AG Shuffle?

Attorney General Mike Hatch (DFL-MN) has made it clear that he intends to run his office like a law firm. There’s been a significant amount of attention given to the personnel changes in the Attorney General’s office. It’s not hard to figure out that those who felt...

You Can’t Buy Politicians in Minnesota

The misguided report from former Common Cause lackey, David Schultz is the latest in the long line of activities in search of a problem. The issue of whether money influences the outcome of elections and legislation is unproven. The “Chicken Little” effort...

3/5th’s or 2/3rd’s

The activities surrounding the forthcoming bonding bill are all over the map. Conservative Republicans are saying that they feel the $462 million dollar proposal brought forward by the Governor’s Office is a bit high. DFLer’s and others are feeling that in the light...

Taking a Leap On Leap Year

Politics in Minnesota is saying that Speaker Steve Sviggum (R-28B, Kenyon) has scheduled a vote on a unicameral legislature for February 29th. If so the Speaker has set the stage for an interesting debate on a date where scholars have chosen to correct our calendar....