A Supreme Decision

If the State Supreme Court decides to support Governor Mark Dayton (DFL) in his powers as prescribed in the Minnesota Constitution, they will be acting as strict constructionists. If they side with the legislature they will be acting as judicial activists. The...

Hey Commissioner It’s Free Money

On July 1, 2015, the Minnesota State Supreme Court ruled on case Webb Golden Valley, LLC v. State which found on behalf of the State of Minnesota. The matter in dispute was over three parcels of land the State had obtained through eminent domain in the city of Golden...

Recent Statewide Polls

We expect the Democratic candidates for US Senate and Governor will prevail and their margins will be in the mid to high 50’s. We make this assessment based on Minnesota’s realignment back to a two-party state where a third party candidate will have at best a nominal...

Garbage Bill Constitutionality?

There is some speculation about the constitutionality of the Omnibus Bill passed last week in the state House. The Bill has been called the “mother of all garbage bills” and may impinge on the close of the legislative session. The short description in the...