Verbal Sparring with Ventura

Governor Jesse Ventura (RP-MN) participated in a transportation forum with Senate Minority Leader Sen Dick Day (R-28, Owatonna), Rep Carol Molnau (R-35A, Chaska) Department of Transportation Commissioner Elwyn Tinklenberg and citizens of the state. Eric Eskola and...

Bringing in a Relief Pitcher

Metropolitan Council Chair Ted Mondale appears to be taking over the reins in steering the Light Rail Transit debate for the administration from Department of Transportation Commissioner Elwyn Tinklenberg. Part of the reason is the lawsuit filed by Rep Phil Krinkie...

State of the Region

This event has been a long time coming. A public gathering of many of the interest groups listening to the state agencies heads discusses how they would like to break down the obstacles to communication and actually focus on solutions. The term cooperation was in the...

The Appointment Waiting Game

The trickling out of commissioner appointments carries it own level of intrigue. The close lips of the Ventura transition team are a credit to the people involved in the process. Of course should anyone be interested in leaking any information we will take it here...