Mar 12, 2019
Minnesota Report Democrats from across the nation will descend upon Milwaukee July 13-16th to nominate their candidate for President. This will be an opportunity to highlight the importance of midwestern values and will heighten the impact of the region outside of...
Mar 1, 2017
Congressman Keith Ellison (DFL-05MN) fans and US Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) should not be angry or disappointed by Ellison’s loss to former Labor Secretary Tom Perez (D) for DNC Chair. With the acceptance of the Deputy Chair position Ellison has the best...
Dec 7, 2016
Congressman Keith Ellison (D-05MN) just released the following press release about his future plans regarding his bid for the DNC Chairmanship. Here is the entirety of the release. Statement from Keith Ellison on DNC Chair Race Washington, DC – Keith Ellison...
Jun 28, 2001
Dave Colling has decided to make a bold step and vie for the male Democratic National Committee seat in the Young Democrats of America. If he is successful he will expand the representation for Minnesota within national Democratic politics. There is a website for his...
Jun 8, 2000
Jane Fee was selected as the first transgender National Committee Delegate elected from Minnesota. A World War II veteran and cancer survivor, Fee is a member of the VFW who considers veterans’ benefits as one of her top priorities. Her important issues include...